by Margaret Buj | Nov 17, 2015 | a blog, a job, job interview, job interviews, online interview, Skype interview, video interview, work
If you’ve never experienced giving an online video interview before, you’re probably anxious to know how different it may be from an actual in-person interview. People in general find online interviews easier to tackle than those in person. Perhaps, it’s because... by Margaret Buj | Jul 26, 2015 | a blog, a job, finance industry, job interviews, Job Search
The finance industry offers a wide variety of opportunities, training, and career enrichment and on top a better working environment. If you are a graduate, a degree in finance is just the beginning. The most important thing is to know which career path to follow... by Margaret Buj | Jun 28, 2015 | a blog, a job, achievements, Blog, hiring managers, impress, job interviews, Job Search
If you’re a job seeker and interviewing with many companies, you might be wondering: What does it actually take to get a job offer? Landing a job can be tough. Many companies have smaller budgets and when several people have an input into a hiring decision and they... by Margaret Buj | May 28, 2015 | a blog, a job, achievement, achievements, job interviews, Job Search, jobs, resume
This article is part of the “Resume tips” series.In my job as a Head of Recruitment at Yieldify and in my interview coaching practice, I see a lot of resumes on a daily basis. Most of them don’t stand out – many resumes are very duty-oriented, and often... by Margaret Buj | Apr 2, 2015 | a job, Blog, career, graduates, job interview, job interviews, Job Search
Getting an interview is an achievement in itself as many jobs online and especially graduate roles attract hundreds of applications. However, how do you make yourself stand out among many, equally qualified candidates? Here are some tips to help you land that job:... by Margaret Buj | Mar 4, 2015 | a blog, interviewing, job interview, job interviews, Job Search
A lot of job seekers worry about how other candidates are performing in job interviews. However, if you are too concerned about your competition, it can affect your own performance. After all, there is no point worrying about stuff you have no control over. You can...