by Margaret Buj | May 16, 2016 | a blog, a job, Blog, Career Advice, job interviews, meetings, networking
I often get asked what to do regarding networking when you’re working and you’re not looking for a job? A lot of people neglect their network when they start a new job and then it becomes harder to reach out to people you might not have spoken to in a while. I am not... by Margaret Buj | Jan 22, 2016 | a blog, a job
To get a job or even be accepted for an interview you need to show business owners and employers that you have a USP. This is a unique selling point. It’s something that distinguishes you from everyone else applying for the position. This could be experience you have... by Margaret Buj | Jan 12, 2016 | a blog, a job
When you’re looking for your first job after graduation, you’re competing with thousands of other graduates. So you can’t be complacent and assume that your degree means a job will fall into your lap. You have to be proactive and make strenuous... by Margaret Buj | Jun 14, 2015 | a blog, millenials
Research has shown that companies are more likely to hire those nearer retirement age as compared to millennials, and it seems like millennials’ attitudes are to blame. Many firms call millennials in for an interview but never extend a job offer. If you are among... by Margaret Buj | Feb 23, 2015 | a blog, a job, Career Advice, job interview, job interviews, Job Search, job seeker
Job hunting can be a fast paced process, especially when searching and applying for numerous positions at the same time. Without organisation, it can become easy to lose track of where you are up to with each application, which can both waste your time and impact your...