Job hunting can be a fast paced process, especially when searching and applying for numerous positions at the same time. Without organisation, it can become easy to lose track of where you are up to with each application, which can both waste your time and impact your productivity.

Find out the different ways you can go about organising your job search in order to simplify the process and improve your chances of being invited to interviews.

Allow yourself time to organise before beginning your search

Planning and organising your job search is crucial, as it can help you to remain focused and on track.  By taking the time to prepare for the days and weeks ahead, you can give yourself a better opportunity of being able to manage your schedule successfully.

Begin by researching and making a list of the industries that you want to look into, as well as the type of company you want to work for, and any job roles you would be happy to take on.

Create a personalised system

Everyone has their preferred methods of organisation, so think about what will be the best way for you to document your progress, be that using spreadsheets, spider diagrams, or colour coded notes.

Also, create a document where you can store any usernames or passwords you use for job or recruitment sites, as having your login details all in one place will save you time every day. Then, use online tools such as bookmarking to save time when returning to the sites that you visit regularly.

You should also make full use of the calendar on your mobile phone to set reminders for closing dates of jobs you want to apply for. Set the alert for at least a couple of days in advance so that you have time to complete the application to a high standard.

Where will you conduct your search?

Where you search for jobs can impact on your productivity and motivation. Looking for vacancies in your living room while watching TV or chatting with friends is likely to impinge on your efficiency as well as the quality of your applications.

Before sitting down to start, think about where you produce your best work, be that in a quiet spot in your home or down at the library. Also try to keep your chosen location clear of any distractions, such as your mobile phone.

Time frames

When deciding how many hours to spend a day searching for jobs, try not to overwhelm yourself by cramming in too much as this is likely to impact on your productivity.

Choose to work on your applications at times when you are most alert, and don’t forget to take regular breaks. Studies show that the average amount of time a person fully focuses on work is 20 minutes, so having frequent short breaks may help to optimise your job search.

Day to day activity

Spend time at the start of every new session categorising your emails, depending on the status of each of your different applications. Categories could include emails that need following up, emails that need responding to, and any that need a first contact, for example.

Also, sign up to and regularly check your email alerts for relevant job opportunities. This can help to save you time as you are readily provided with potentially suitable vacancies without having to search for them.

Then, allow yourself the time to tailor your CV for each job you wish to apply for. Analyse the job description, and personalise your application to make sure that you highlight the skills and experience you have that meet the job requirements.

Remember to seek advice and support

Sometimes it helps to discuss your job search with friends and family, as they can offer experiential advice on what has worked for them in the past. Not only that, they can also help to support and motivate you along your journey to finding your dream job.

Author Bio

Rachel Campbell is a content writer for Portfolio Credit Control, a recruitment agency specialising in matching high quality candidates to organisations with credit control job opportunities.






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