by Margaret Buj | Jun 27, 2020 | Blog
In the last ten years, businesses have transformed the way they operate. Technologies like payroll processing systems and marketing automation have become commonplace. Many technological advances have invaded the recruiting industry, too. Businesses want to employ the... by Margaret Buj | Jun 21, 2020 | Blog
I spoke to a friend recently who had a great call with the recruiter – or so she thought. Days went by, she followed up a few times, but she still hasn’t heard from the recruiter. She’d been ghosted. Unfortunately, this is a common problem job... by Margaret Buj | Feb 21, 2019 | Job Search, recruiters, recruitment, resume
I am often asked about what I look for when I read a CV and how long it takes to screen a resume. This process can take as little as 10-15 seconds – especially when I receive over 150 applications for one role, as it was the case with a one role I was recently...
by Margaret Buj | Feb 21, 2019 | a blog, career, Career Advice, hiring, hiring managers, job interview, Job Search, jobs, recruiters
You might be intimidated when dealing with recruiters, but we genuinely want the best for you and the company. As much we want you to have a great candidate experience, here are some things we just can’t share with you. 1. “You typically could have got a higher salary...
by Margaret Buj | Jan 4, 2017 | a blog, a job
Every several days or so, I get a short email or LinkedIn message from someone I am typically connected to on LinkedIn saying something along the lines of: “I’m looking for [this type of role]. Do you have anything for me?” and a CV/resume is attached. I...