In the last ten years, businesses have transformed the way they operate. Technologies like payroll processing systems and marketing automation have become commonplace. Many technological advances have invaded the recruiting industry, too. Businesses want to employ the best candidates, which is why they will utilize the services of a recruiting and staffing agency, or apply these new advances themselves with in-house help.

The tendency is to continue with many of the trends from the last decade and develop some new ones. Here are some of the projections for how the face of hiring and recruiting will change in the next decade.

Increase in Data-Driven Recruiting


In recent years, recruiters have begun collecting and analyzing data about the hiring process. This includes information about hiring profiles and what has worked in candidate searches.

Data mining continues to evolve, as does our ability to analyze data. Recruiters will have more information at their fingertips. This will improve the process of searching for qualified candidates.

Data analysis can enhance the accuracy of role specifications. In turn, this can guarantee profiles match up on elements like qualifications and pay. It can also help inform recruiters about which channels of communication work best to reach the talents they seek.

By relying on data, recruiting teams can discover how to engage potential employees most effectively. They can analyze aspects like candidate location and experience level.  They can then consider how these variables may influence the number of contacts necessary to engage the prospect.

Intelligent use of data visualization will save the recruiter’s time. It will allow them to focus on more human aspects of hiring.

Data visualization can also be used to analyze which job boards are performing best. This will enable companies to maximize quality and minimize cost.

Emphasis On Human Elements

Over the past decade, technology has made significant advances. Artificial intelligence solutions have become more widely used. 

Automating parts of the recruiting process is essential. However, the use of automation requires discernment to avoid losing the human touch.

Companies are driven by people. Thus, recruiters must have excellent emotional intelligence. In this way, they can decide which prospects are the best fit for the company. 

The focus of automation will shift in the next decade. Businesses will seek to automate only specific parts of the hiring process. In this way, recruiters will have the time they need for the human aspects.

Proprietary Tools and Strategies

Recruiting firms have developed many proprietary techniques and tools within the last decade. The next ten years promise an increase in these technological advances. 

We are likely to see more innovation in these tactics. They will include solutions for prospect engagement, automation, and database management. There are already some incredibly useful tools on the market and you can find more at Matchr.

Recruiting companies are also expected to innovate in the arena of payment structures. New methods may offer strategic assistance and greater flexibility. This will be a contrast to more traditional approaches that charge per placement.

Focus on Inclusion and Diversity

Research has shown over and over that the more diverse your team, the better your outcomes. Groups that are too homogenous in their perspectives and experiences can have difficulty coming up with innovative solutions.

When considering diversity, it cannot be limited to ethnicity and gender. A team also needs variety in skill sets, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. In the next decade, such diversity will be essential to business success.

Data analysis will play an essential role in achieving diversity. It will also help maintain transparency and equity. 

Reliance on data will decrease subconscious human bias. This will result in assigning adequate importance to each candidate’s qualities.

Candidate Boom

Candidates are turning in more job applications than at any other time in history. They are applying to a broader range of potential employers.

This scenario presents a new challenge for recruiters. New screening approaches will be needed. 

These new approaches will enable the screening of more applicants. In this way, search teams can narrow the pool to the best candidates before starting interviews.


In the next decade, it will become more common to hyper-personalize communication. This means sending candidates personal messages that respect their preferences. For example, the recruiter will choose the channel the prospect feels most comfortable using.

This hyper-personalization will enable recruiters to improve relationships, engagement, and knowledge. With the expected candidate boom, automation will be essential to achieving this.

Artificial intelligence will be used in several ways here. AI can help create personas and decide on the best way to reach each candidate. 

By using candidate pools, it will be possible to build hiring funnels specific to each job type. Engagement data will inform recruiters about each contact’s interest and readiness.


In the next decade, projections for recruiting include the growth of some current practices and the development of new ones. Recruiting and hiring will become more data-driven. Businesses will focus more on the human aspects of the process.

Recruiting firms will continue to develop new proprietary tactics while increasing the focus on diverse teams. A candidate boom will increase the number of candidates for each position. Hyper-personalization will become another strategy for reaching existing contacts.




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