8 Speaking Habits to Help You Sound Professional

However, there are 6 factors that can impact your presentation in a positive way. As long as you keep these tips in mind whenever you prepare for a public speech, you will be able to impress not only the audience but also yourself. Speaking in public is more than...

Choosing between a permanent or contractor career

Career planning is an essential part of deciding what you want to do in life. As much as career plans are meant to be flexible, a complete lack of planning will make it difficult for you to get the best out of the skills you’ve built up in your chosen career. One of...
How not to network with a recruiter

How not to network with a recruiter

Every several days or so, I get a short email or LinkedIn message from someone I am typically connected to on LinkedIn saying something along the lines of: “I’m looking for [this type of role]. Do you have anything for me?” and a CV/resume is attached. I...

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