Talent magnet: video resume is key to find the best

Talent magnet: video resume is key to find the best

I am on two sides professionally: helping companies to attract the most talented candidates for their positions, and coaching job-seekers to get hired. And from both points of view, I would advise using video interviews. What does it give you as a tool? For employers:...
New Technology Aiding the Interview Process

New Technology Aiding the Interview Process

There’s plenty of ways that you can be interviewed for a job. But in today’s job market, companies are deploying different methods that involve technology for screening candidates. From robots to virtual reality, you can face a variety of tests. Below we discuss how...

How to prepare for video interviews

If you’re looking for a job, you’ll have to prepare yourself for an interview through video as well. It has been found that over 60% of the human resources managers stated their organisations frequently conduct job interviews by using the video approach. In this...

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