Do you have your eye on a promotion? A promotion is certainly worth aiming for. Not only does it mean a wage increase, but you will also benefit from having more responsibility. You’ll be given a lot more to do, which can make your job a lot more interesting! Grabbing that all-important promotion isn’t easy, especially when there are a lot of other employees trying to get their hands on it. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to get noticed for a promotion. Here is everything you need to know about wowing your bosses and persuading them you are the one for a promotion.
One way you can truly impress your boss is by showing you are willing to improve yourself outside of work. The best way to do this is to go back to college part time or enroll in a night school. This is especially useful if you can find a course that is directly related to your job. The new skills and knowledge you learn can be transferred to the workplace. These new skills could be exactly what your boss is looking for in the promoted employee! Worried you don’t have time to balance studying with your work and family life? There are some courses that will only require an hour of your time each week. And if that becomes too much, you can always use the services of a UK essay writing service to help you get all your work completed in time.
Challenge Your Boss
No matter what they might think, no boss is infallible. If you think that yours might be making a mistake, let them know! As long as you aren’t too bolshy and go about telling them in a professional way, you won’t have anything to worry about. In fact, this will show that you are confident enough to take on a more senior role. Make sure you have plenty of facts and data to back up your argument – this then shows that you’ve been doing your homework!
Be Happy
Another great way to get up the career ladder is to be openly happy at work. All bosses like to think that each of their employees loves their job. So if that is the case for you, show how much you enjoy your work by smiling and having a happy demeanor. No matter how stressed you might be feeling, continue to live up to your cheerful reputation. After all, no boss is going to promote a worker who is always down in the dumps. A moody or bad-tempered employee will make a bad-tempered boss! So no matter how feel on the inside, always try to be happy and convivial on the outside.
Be A Mentor
If there is a new employee in the company, take them under your wing and show them the ropes. Bosses love to see their staff mentor one another. Mainly because it is one less job for them! But it also shows excellent communication and teaching skills in the employees who take it upon themselves to pass on their skills. This is an especially important point if you want to be promoted to a managerial position. You will already have a good bond with the staff who you have mentored. And once you do become manager, there won’t be a big change in your working relationship.
Office parties are a great way to socialise with different people in your company and network. Introduce yourself to any new managers who have recently joined the company. You need to be well-known within the management. This way, there will be more managers who can nominate you for a promotion! But it is also a great way to get to know all your other colleagues too. If you aren’t seen as being friendly or very sociable, your promotion chances will be limited. Your manager won’t want to promote someone who alienates him or herself from the people they work with every day! So be sure to go to all the office parties and socials. Don’t think of it as work; consider it another part of your social life to ensure you have a fun time!
As you can see, there is plenty you can do to help you work up the ranks of your company. And not all of it has to do with working hard! Of course, these tips are just for starters. There are many other ways you can make it to the top!