by Margaret Buj | Jan 26, 2018 | a blog, a job, jobs
The gaming industry has grown up and gotten itself some fancy new pants. As technology advanced and the applications allowed for a more realistic gaming experience, a new genre of media made coding more accessible. Computer and Video Games and Gaming World made coding...
by Margaret Buj | Jun 27, 2017 | Job Search, jobs
The threat of global warming is looming over all of us. Whether you believe it or not, the world is changing and if we don’t do anything about it then we’ll be in real trouble. Unfortunately, most of us can’t afford to dedicate our lives to saving the planet because...
by Margaret Buj | Jun 9, 2017 | a job, Career Advice, jobs
Do you think of yourself as a caring person? Do you like nothing more than knowing that you’ve helped someone in some ways however small? Imagine how amazing it would be to have a job that enables you to help people all day every day! It would be so rewarding, and you... by Margaret Buj | Mar 22, 2017 | jobs, MBA, MBA interview
In the contemporary world, everybody wants to have a challenging job, world-changing opportunities and impressive takeaways and to claim it all; many aspirants opt to do MBA. MBA happens to be one of the most dynamic educational courses because it changes the way a...
by Margaret Buj | Mar 8, 2017 | a blog, graduates, job interview, job interviews, jobs
Graduating university is a massive step in anyone’s life, and has massive repercussions for their career. The big question on everyone’s lips is what do you do after graduating? What options are available to you? To find the answers to these questions, take a look at... by Margaret Buj | May 28, 2015 | a blog, a job, achievement, achievements, job interviews, Job Search, jobs, resume
This article is part of the “Resume tips” series.In my job as a Head of Recruitment at Yieldify and in my interview coaching practice, I see a lot of resumes on a daily basis. Most of them don’t stand out – many resumes are very duty-oriented, and often...