7 ways to prove impact on your CV

As a job seeker, it’s important to prove that you can make an impact in your roles. Employers want to hire staff who make a difference and contribute to their success. So when writing your CV you shouldn’t just list your responsibilities within your roles;...

Five out-of-the-box CV ideas

So you’ve spent weeks applying for every suitable job vacancy, but you do not seem to be making any head way at all, this may be because for every job that is posted, there are approximately 250 applicants. This high level of competition means it is absolutely crucial...
How to make your resume work for you

How to make your resume work for you

Are you having trouble getting interviews for that next job opportunity? Do you feel that no one is interested in reading and responding to your CV/resume and cover letter? Then you should seriously consider thoroughly reviewing and rewriting your CV.  Why? Well let’s...

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