Do you remember the first time you’ve had your job interview? Nerve-wracking. Even though you’ve been fairly achieving in the other things you do in your life, there’s a certain indescribable feeling when it comes interviews. Some stutter and some pass it with flying colours.

For people who get sweaty palms just thinking about job interviews, below are some tips you can do to come in for an interview with your head held high:

  1. Do your research

A good applicant knows that part of the preparation for a job interview includes researching about your interviewer and the company you’re applying for. Also, you’ll have a good first impression when the interviewer knows that you’ve researched about their company.

Researching about the company will give you an overview of their past and current successes, and this will help you present yourself as someone who can add value to the company.

  1. Practice yourself in answering interview questions

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Although there’ll never be a perfect job interview experience, you can always prepare to at least aim for that. Besides, preparation will give you the confidence in answering the interview questions.

You’ll find your own pace in answering, and you’ll sound natural in expressing your ideas. Ask a friend or family member to conduct these practices with.

  1. Dress accordingly

Make sure you look appropriate and professional. Don’t over accessorize because you’re not going to a party. See to it that your clothes fit well and groom yourself properly.

In your research, look at the company’s images and observe what the employees are wearing to have an idea what to wear.

  1. Think like the interviewer

While it is important to be yourself by being aware of your skills and achievements to be qualified, it is equally important to liken yourself to the interviewer and their company’s culture. A lot of companies find the right skill set in a person, but the personality just isn’t fit for the company which leads to a rejection of the application.

If the interviewer sees himself in you through personality or your hobbies and likes, there’s a higher chance for the job interview to go really well.

  1. Have a strong handshake

Agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability can all be represented by a really good handshake. Aside from the fact that physical touch elevates the level of communication between an interview and an applicant, recruiters find the quality of handshake an integral part of the evaluation of the application.

  1. Know how to ask questions and make them right

Interviewers appreciate it if you ask them a few questions in return. This will show that you’re very interested in the company and willing to learn about the company even in the job interview. An insightful question will make the interviewer really impressed by you.

Now that you’re aware of some tips and tricks to ace an interview, set that alarm clock and go to the job interview prepared and confident. And lastly, break a leg.

Author bio:

Valerie Chua is a freelance writer for various websites. She lives in a seaside community with her 5 dogs. Her hobbies include running, cooking and playing with her android.



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