Career is one of the most significant aspects of a person’s life as it plays an important role in determining the lifestyle they will enjoy and the respect they will earn.

As they say “The early bird catches the worm”, students begin to plan their career from the first year of the undergraduate college. They use all possible tactics to stand apart from their classmates most of whom might become their rivals in the near or distant future.

From an effective job search online to interview preparation training, students try their hands at various methods for winning the best opportunities. But students and recent graduates are not alone in this race. Even experienced professionals seek new ways of growing their careers continually.

Considering the level of competition and complexity in the corporate world, having a smooth career journey is difficult for many individuals, irrespective of their expertise and talent. Therefore, it’s necessary to capture the attention of employers, recruiters, hiring managers, and others who can lend a helping hand in achieving your goals.

Make a Mark and Boost Your Career with these Tips

We conducted significant research and spoke to top-level executives of a few renowned companies for making a list of tips that can help you get attention. Now, finding a job and working on a job are two dimensions of everyone’s career path and the strategies to be implemented for each of them are different.

  1. While Searching for a Job
  • Online Visibility

Employers and recruiters find eligible candidates for vacancies through online sources, such as employment portals and LinkedIn. So, online visibility has become an essential factor in determining your chances of securing a job offer.

You must create a profile and upload your resume on leading online job boards. You should also be active on LinkedIn. Building a profile on social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter can also work in your favor provided you keep it as professional as possible.

When it comes to the employment market, the phrase “any publicity is good publicity” does not hold true. You cannot afford to share with any employer or recruiter links of your online profiles that show your heated debate with people on some random topic.

Find influential people in the field you want to enter on social media and make connections with them. Participate in discussions related to meaningful topics, for example, new product launches, latest studies and researches, and modern technologies.

You can even build your own blog or website for showcasing your academic accomplishments and skills. Write blog posts on different areas of your chosen industry to exhibit your knowledge. You will also be able to improve your writing skills.

  • Networking Events

Job fairs arranged by your college offer you a great way to interact with employers, hiring managers, and recruiters across various industries. You can walk up to them, break the ice, and establish long-term relationships that can benefit both parties.

You should even attend seminars, exhibitions, and other networking events. Remember not to be nervous while introducing yourself to anyone. While talking to anyone, listen carefully and show interest in their business. You can carry your resume for handing it to people.

  • Application Materials

Materials for any job application primarily include a resume and a cover letter. Some companies might even ask candidates to submit copies of academic qualification documents. Create a wonderful resume by using the format acceptable in your desired field.

Highlight your achievements, skills, and strengths through bullet-points and include keywords mentioned in the job description in your resume. Write customized cover letters for every application that you send as it will create an impact on the hiring decision-maker.

  • Face-to-Face Interview

You might have impressed the hiring manager or recruiter during resume screening and telephonic interview rounds. But the real test begins when you visit the company for attending personal or face-to-face interview round.

Research well about the business operations and values of the company before appearing for an interview. Keep some questions ready for asking the interviewer when the question “Do you have any question for us?” pops up.

The way you conduct yourself from the moment you step inside the premises of the company until you exit matters a lot. Select professional attire and avoid strong scents. Reach the interview venue at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Behave politely with the front desk executives while informing them about your appointment for an interview. Give a firm handshake to the interviewer and thank them for considering your candidature for the vacancy.

Try to understand the personality and mood of the interviewer through their words and gestures to behave accordingly. If you sense that they are not in a pleasant mood, you should avoid making jokes while communicating with them.

Listen to the questions properly and maintain eye contact while answering them. Be confident throughout the interview. If you don’t know the answer to any question, don’t feel embarrassed about accepting that.

  1. While Pursuing Employment
  • Continuous Learning

Adopt the approach of a student, i.e., seek new opportunities for learning in your everyday tasks at your workplace. You will be able to enhance your career prospects much quickly and easily than your peers if you focus on expanding your knowledge.

Show a willingness to learn about processes, methods, techniques, systems, and technological tools used in your organization. Once you get a grasp on how your team or department works, try to understand the functioning of other departments as well.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions whenever and wherever you face any difficulty in performing your duties. Keep a humble attitude toward your trainers and seniors as knowledge sharing or transfer is not an easy task.

  • Performance & Discipline

After completion of induction and training, you are assigned the responsibilities at every job. Now, we are not telling you how to do your work because you know it better. We want to give a piece of advice that always finish all your tasks on time.

Recent graduates or career shifters might encounter problems while executing their tasks due to a lack of experience. But you still need to put your best foot forward so that you can be appreciated for making an effort.

Along with your performance, your etiquette is also observed in every workplace. You need to show discipline in terms of punctuality, the regularity of attendance, dress code, safety practices, and much more. You should treat others with respect.

  • Creative Solutions

Creating a distinctive place and earning the trust of people in a new workplace can seem daunting to anyone, especially if you are employed in a large organization. So, you need to come up with brilliant and creative solutions for problems.

You should search for new and innovative ways of carrying out business activities rather than following the conventional ways. However, you must ensure that you don’t miss any project deadline or cause any loss to the company due to experimenting.

  • Result-Oriented

Let your work speak for itself by discussing less and working more. Yes, though engaging in discussions is vital for determining the best course of action, you should not invest too much time in it. Emphasize more on completing the pre-decided tasks.

The formula for gaining an edge over others at the workplace is to stop talking about ideas and solutions and start implementing them. As soon as you ascertain the viability of an idea, plan, or proposal, craft strategies for executing it successfully.

  • Initiatives & Challenges

Go above and beyond the call of duty to explore new avenues for growth. Supervisors and managers like employees who show genuine concerns about the success of an organization. Take initiatives by brainstorming new ideas or helping your co-workers.

You need to step out of your comfort zone to become a better version of yourself. Accept new challenges even if you are scared. Volunteer to work on a tricky project or negotiate with hard-to-please clients. Even if you fail at attempting something, you will still be appreciated for your efforts.

  • Constant Communication

Communication is the key to facilitate teamwork, overcome all obstacles, and achieve goals. You cannot work in isolation, and therefore, sharing your views, suggestions, and problems is important. Having excellent oral and written communication skills can help you a lot.

Take part in meetings, group discussions, and brainstorming sessions. Be proactive and keep your boss updated with your progress as they might be busy handling crucial tasks. Put across your thoughts in a gentle manner without disrespecting or condescending anyone.

Final Takeaway

Even the most qualified and capable professionals from different fields face career stagnation due to not reaching their full potential and the dynamic nature of business operations. You need to evolve yourself for becoming flexible in every situation. You should remember that you are not just an employee or a team member but a professional brand.

So, in order to make every employer willing to be associated with your brand, you need to be actively engaged in promoting yourself.

About Author:

Eric Lyons is a PR strategist and writer at Stafficial, with extensive professional management experience in the public and private sector. He likes reading about motivation and psychology. As well he studied marketing in university and special classes.



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