Acquiring skills for the job and career that you want takes time. You learned some of these skills while you were a kid, and some just recently. But what’s consistent with these is the effort you put in learning them. There will be moments that some of these skills like emotional and social skills are innate.
The recruitment industry is always on the lookout for the newest and freshest talents. In these talents, they look for a specific set of skills. The skills that recruiters were looking for in the 2000s are normal now in the industry, but in the future, they’re going to hire people with another set of specific skills.
In 2020, it’ll be important for you to have cognitive flexibility. This means that you’ll be able to put on many hats and be good at it. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have a specific position at hand, but an all-around arsenal in your pocket, which will allow you to understand different types of problems because you can see it in multiple perspectives.
In this infographic by Guthrie Jensen, know the different skills that’ll help you survive the recruitment industry in 2020, as well as the top industries and in-demand jobs by 2020.