When you’re interviewing for a job or looking to achieve a promotion by presenting your talents and value to your employers, it’s important to understand the people sitting opposite you, and the knowledge they have of their employees. Without this level of understanding and empathy, it’ll be difficult for you to adequately translate your thoughts, wishes and ideas into a language that your employers and managers can really relate to.

As such, this article takes a look at employers, taking special interest in how they regard their workforce, and what knowledge they glean from them.

Employer Relationships

Every company is different, and every manager also operates with a slightly different strategy and approach. Nonetheless, there are similarities between many corporate bodies – and it’s in these similarities that we’ll try to understand how relationships are formed between different layers and levels of your company – whether you’re already in the job, or you’re applying for a role.

Most importantly, perhaps, is the fact that managers like to run an efficient workplace, and a part of this efficient productivity is derived from their ability to motivate happy workers. As such, there’s a personal and a business incentive for them to get to know their workers, to listen to their concerns, and to understand what makes them tick.

In an interview, this means that revealing some of your personality is no bad thing.

In your job, this means that setting time aside for one-to-one meetings with managers is sensible and responsible.

Feedback Loops

There are other forms of feedback that aren’t derived from the conversations that take place around the office on a day to day basis. These are often digital, sent to employee computers in an attempt to get honest and anonymous feedback on change in the office, or different pressures being met by staff. Inpulse change management is a strong example of such systems.

These feedback systems are regularly set up by corporations that are interested in improving all areas of their operations – including managerial strategies and personnel. It’s an employee’s opportunity to really offer some frank judgement and advice to their seniors, while being protected by anonymity. As such, any manager who has worked with these systems will be aware that their behaviour is part of the feedback – and so will duly police themselves.

Creating Safe Spaces

More often than not, companies are taking on board the feedback and criticism that they’re offered from former and current employees. Often, this is related to misconduct, and such reports can be incredibly damaging to a company’s reputation – and can be posted online on forums that discuss working conditions within companies.

Before setting out to an interview, it’s worth consulting this kind of feedback, and deciding whether the culture of the company to which you’re applying suits your needs and aspirations. Unfortunately, there are some businesses that refuse to change, using backwards-facing policies that can make some staff uncomfortable.

These three areas give you important clues as to a company’s feedback protocols and understanding of their employees’ needs in this modern age of business.



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