Every employee working at your workplace – from a simple technician to a richly experienced manager expects you to recognize his/her work and appreciate the efforts he/she puts in day after day for the success of your business. Employee recognition and rewarding is a process through which employers or business owners make a conscious effort to reward and award your employees not just to acknowledge their work but also to motivate them to continue with the same passion.

There is absolutely no one in the world who doesn’t like being rewarded and recognized for the hard work they do and the same holds true for employees of your workplace as well. Employee recognition is the acknowledgment of an employee’s efforts, hard work and behaviour at the workplace that have contributed to the organization’s success and objectives in some way. Both things are very important: recognizing and acknowledging these efforts, as well as rewarding employees for their fruitful efforts.

This article explores in detail

1) what employee recognition is

2) tips to start a formal employee recognition program

3) formal recognition examples

4) informal ways to reward your employees.

Read the full article here: https://www.cleverism.com/how-to-recognize-reward-your-employees/



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