LinkedIn is the top social networking website for job seekers which has over 1 billion users (2024). With so many members, the rate at which your network expand on LinkedIn can be truly amazing. A hundred strategic contacts could mean access to millions of people in a short amount of time.

LinkedIn allows you to leverage the power of your network – the people you know, and. the people those people know – to help you connect to the person (or people) who are in a position to offer you the job.

Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are on LinkedIn. Recruiters from every discipline and industry are on LinkedIn. Millions of companies have profile pages on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with others and brand yourself and stand out in a competitive job market. Yet, many professionals don’t know how to use it to their advantage. Simply publishing a LinkedIn profile isn’t going to do much for your career or job search if you’re not active on it and if you’re not implementing the right strategies.

In this webinar, I cover:

    • Simple steps you can take to optimise your profile so that recruiters start contacting you
    • How to create a benefit driven headline & a strong summary which means you’re remembered for what you do
    • How to use the Advanced Search Feature, LinkedIn Groups and other tactics to increase your chances of being found by hiring managers and recruiters


If you’re looking for more LinkedIn tips, as well as for skills to get hired in a competitive market, check out “Get the job you want” online course.

I’ve packaged the perfect combination of:

      • an interview-generating resume
      • career networking scripts
      • a list of job search activities you should be doing weekly
      • salary negotiation scripts
      • CV/resume and LinkedIn profile checklists
      • examples of competency based questions and answers

that will help you get more interviews and ultimately, secure the job you want.

You will also get 5 training webinars (with subtitles and class transcripts) covering everything from what recruiters are looking for when looking at your resume, how to get more interviews, how to optimise your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters come to you, how to sell yourself as the best person for the job and how the salary negotiation game is played.

I will take the mystery out of how to write an interview-generating CV/resume and conduct a successful job search.

Author bio:

Margaret Buj is a career and interview coach who specializes in helping professionals to get hired, promoted and paid more. She has 19 years of experience of recruiting for global technology and eCommerce companies across Europe & the US, and in the last 18 years, she’s successfully coached hundreds of people to get the jobs and promotions they really wanted.

Recognised as one of Top Career Influencers to Follow in 2019 , and with an award-winning blog, she’s spoken at career events & conferences and has done training sessions or workshops in London, Monaco, Athens & Saudi Arabia.

She’s also been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine, interviewed for The Financial Times and Management Today, has written “Land that Job” e-Guide. Find out more and get her free interview resources at at




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