Many of us are not completely fulfilled in our current jobs. Most of us will always be looking for that next step, that increase in wage and the natural step along the journey of your career. It’s important for some of us to feel that job satisfaction, and for some, you can suddenly get that itch and inclination for more. More responsibility, more opportunity and sometimes even a chance to change your current lifestyle. This is when you may have to outshine in your current role and really work hard for that promotion. I thought I would share with you some of the innovative ideas to help you get ahead in the workplace.

Be bold and not afraid to speak up

Sometimes we can hide behind our desks and just do our work. But this isn’t certainly going to get you noticed, especially if you have a large office or team to compete with. So now is the time to shine and speak up when you have a point to make or an opinion to share. Don’t be afraid of your voice and knowledge, you may find that your points are valid and could help improve something. This also shows a sign of leadership and assertiveness, which could really help towards any promotion you go for.

Add extra skills and qualifications to your repertoire

Could you be learning in your spare time? Do you think online courses could help improve your performance daily and even help your chances of bagging a promotion? The now is the time to use your spare time wisely and getting adding to your skills. There are plenty of online postgraduate courses to consider that may help you in different ways. Why not do a little research to see what would best suit your current job role and needs for promotion?

Show initiative with workload and deadlines

It’s not always easy to put your hand up for extra work, but it may be showing the initiative your boss is looking for. This could prove you capability for extra work as well as the demands a promotion could have on you. Showing ability now could help you obtain that job you are hoping for.

Brush up on your interview skills

In many cases, a promotion will require you to have an interview. So now would be the best time to brush up on those skills and make the most of your interview technique. Think about questions you may ask, work out what you want and practice the way you come across. Even using friends and family to bounce off ideas. This could be the last and final hurdle you face and the difference between securing the job or losing out to a fellow co-worker. Preparation is key to ensure success.

Finally, just go the extra mile and be an all round reliable employee. Not to mention thinking about your personality and how you come across to co-workers. It can also pay to be nice and genuine. I hope these tips help you.



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