Many of you have always been connected to self-worth with your professions for as long as you can remember. Here is the possible scenario: You made sure to work hard enough to get a job that you (and your parents) would be happy to identify with, whether it was because of how our culture regards particular jobs or because of your pride. It excited you to be able to say, “I work for…” or “My job title is…”

Therefore, when you eventually accepted your ideal job that did not require waiting tables, you felt that you had earned the right to say those things out loud to prove to the world that you had succeeded. Even though your ideal scenario came true, you finally recognized that you were no more passionate about your work, which led to a moment that changed your life.

The corporation that you were only keeping due to its prominence eventually let you go. You did not listen to your intuition and decided to keep the position even though you were exhausted and lacked the motivation to work for them since you loved how you felt welcomed by others when you would bring up your position in the conversation. You were unwilling to overcome your addiction.

You believed that your identity was inextricably linked to this position and that if you lost it, you would cease to exist and would have no tangible evidence of all your labor. However, after you were fired, a new high, i.e. relief, took over. A burden was removed off your shoulders since you were finally living according to your truth, even though a part of you desired to hold onto something that was not making you happy just out of pride.

The majority of people would be torn apart by this event because losing their jobs implies incompetence and causes their confidence to plummet (yeah, we are being dramatic) because you did not originally heed your heart and instead let someone else decide your fate even if it did hurt you a little to hear the news.

If this ever occurs to you, you will quickly discover that your beliefs, your truthfulness, and what happens outside of the traditional 9 to 5 workday define your self-worth rather than a nice-sounding job. Yes, it was good to be linked with a well-known firm, and, we will be honest, there are times when you will miss feeling ‘accepted’. But you will know in your heart that your identity is not defined by your job because you just require your own approval.

Below are five reasons why you should not identify yourself by your career or job. Because, in all honesty, your self-love is definitely worth a lot more than that salary or work title.

Because Achieving Success in Your Career Is Not Your Only Achievement

Although working for a well-known company looks nice on your resume, there are other factors to take into account if you want to be successful. Success is rarely determined by one’s occupation or financial standing. The ability to accomplish what you genuinely love, be able to take care of people, be able to face your biggest fears, or be able to experience blissful enjoyment is the ultimate meaning of success. 

The way that one individual defines success may be radically different from another person’s definition. And that is completely fine. Because, ultimately, you should always strive to be unique and avoid copying what you think of as successful merely because of another person’s journey.

Because the Only Things That Should Define You Are Your Own Beliefs and Values

Would not it be nice not to be viewed negatively because of your line of work? Every time we meet someone new, we ask for their name and occupation right away. Why? Is there not a different way to describe a person? Yes, it is wonderful to learn about someone’s interests, but should not we just inquire them about it upfront?

What you adore, what you dream about, what you esteem, and who you treasure should determine who you are. Consider this: Your real friends and family do not care about your profession or financial status. They are only interested in making you happy. Because you should place your happiness before any job, money, or supervisor, treat yourself the same way you would want your friends to treat you. Period.

Because the Majority of Occupations Are Transitory and Subject to Change at Any Time

The majority of us think we have total control over our situations, despite the fact that life is considered to be full of uncertainty. You may see yourself as a dedicated architect right now, but in four years you might prefer to work as a dairy farmer milking cows. 

You simply cannot predict the kinds of events you will have or how they will affect you. Essentially, nothing endures forever. There are more factors that have an impact on your life beyond your work, and life is filled with surprises.

Because This Is Something You Do and Not Something You Are

Whether you perform as a clerk for a retail establishment, an animator for a marketing firm, or an oddsmaker at one of the world’s best bookies listed at, these are just the things you do; they do not make you who you are. There are many ways to define oneself, particularly if you do not enjoy your job. You might be known for being a mother, a dog lover, or a video game fanatic in parallel to your profession; everything you respect or admire is a component of you and your personality. 

The things you adore to do and who you are should be remembered, not the kinds of positions you have held, at the conclusion of the day.

Because How You Make People Feel Will Be How They Remember You, Not by Your Profession

Your identity is much more closely tied to how you choose to treat everyone else and express yourself than it ever will be by your employment. Your career may come up when other people discuss you, but they will relate to you more on the basis of your personality and character. Apart from having a job, there are a lot of other reasons why you are here on earth.

Perhaps you were created to support someone else on their path or to establish a difference in your community and encourage others to follow in your footsteps. If all you use to describe yourself is your job, you are doing yourself a disservice. Try to widen your world while encouraging others to do the same. We may all be happy the more we recognize we are more than solely our employment.



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