Bored of box sets and done with dance workouts? Filling your time in 2020 certainly takes a little more creativity than before. But with the lockdown days stretching out before us, taking time to further your career and work out what you want to do next is easily one of the most satisfying things you can do while you’re at home. And then reward yourself with a slice of freshly baked banana bread of course…

What is a logical reasoning test?

Employers include logical reasoning tests as part of the hiring process if they’re searching for candidates with particular strengths in deductive, inductive and abductive thinking. With a logical reasoning test, instead of verbal or mathematical problems, you’ll be faced with a series of different patterns, shapes or sequences and asked to use your logic to unpick the challenge and select the correct multiple choice answer. Deductive reasoning is when you follow a general argument to arrive at a specific conclusion, inductive reasoning is the exact opposite, and abductive reasoning is when you start with a set of observations before working towards the simplest and most likely explanation. As you can probably guess, these tests are designed to be challenging, so the best way to get ahead is to spend time practising logical reasoning tests and learning where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

Why do employers use abstract reasoning tests?

Employers use logical reasoning tests to find the candidate best suited to the role they’re hiring for. The chances are, if you’ve been asked to sit a logical reasoning test you’ve applied for a job or company that needs problem solvers. As the job market gets increasingly competitive, it’s harder and harder for employers to judge applicants off a CV and short interview. As a result, many have turned to aptitude tests to help them distinguish between people and ultimately, hire the person best suited for the role and company.

What is the format of a logical reasoning test?

As with most aptitude tests, you’ll work under timed conditions to answer multiple choice questions. Most of the time you’ll have around a minute or less to answer each question, but it’s always worth checking this at the start of the test.If you’re struggling to complete a problem, move on and come back to it at the end if you have time.

How can I prepare?

When it comes to the logical reasoning test, preparation really is crucial. As with any project or test you take on, making sure you have a quiet working environment is important, as it aids with concentration. And before you take a mock test, it’s always advisable to ensure you have everything you need and that you can time it to get a better idea of how quickly you’re working through each question. At the end of the mock test, don’t just switch off your computer. There’s no better time to go through the test while it’s fresh in your mind, and work through the areas you struggled with. Because practice really does make perfect!

So go on, dedicate a little of that time you have on your hands to investing in your career. It’s bound to be fruitful!



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