Even most qualified candidates might worry about the interview outcome. You can never be 100% sure if you answered the questions correctly and what impression you have made on an interviewer. You can prepare a perfect resume and other job application documents in advance, order service from LinkedIn profile writers from CVPolitan, but one can’t be 100% ready for the job interview.
To tell the truth, there exists no general guideline that might help slay any job interview. Even a candidate with years of suitable professional experience and an impressive set of skills can fail job interviews. Something always might go wrong.
However, it is possible to prepare answers to all the common questions, dress and behave appropriately and avoid things that will make HR managers say ‘no.’ If you want to know what things to avoid doing during the job interview, read the list below.
Say that you have other interviews going on
There are many job seekers that emphasize on other job interviews and offers from competing companies to make employers feel like they may lose a valuable candidate. In reality, though, none of the recruiters wants to be pushed by candidates using such strategies.
Ask the interview if you are qualified for the job
One of the main secrets of nailing your job interview is remaining calm and firm. If you want the recruiter to think you are confident enough, don’t ask them something like: “what are my chances?”, “How well have I done?” or “Did you like me?”
Say empty promises
HR managers hate listening to empty promises. Especially when candidates promise to acquire skills they currently do not possess. Never say something like “I don’t have these skills yet but I am fast learner”. First, you didn’t come to the interview drive a hard bargain. Second, who can guarantee you’ll keep the promise? It is likely that potential hirers will give preference to more qualified applicants.
Show being not serious about the interview
Why would you and your interviewer want to waste time for the interview if you do not take this opportunity serious enough? If you don’t feel that this is the right place to work for you and you feel that from the very beginning, do not send your resume. Or if you already applied, cancel the interview by writing a letter to the company or making a call.
Say you have no weaknesses
Nobody is perfect. Looking confident does not mean you have to deny weaknesses. If you keep saying that you have no downsides, recruiters might think as if you are unable to judge yourself objectively. No, you don’t have to criticize yourself in case the recruiter asks you to tell about your weaknesses. But as you list your weaknesses, make a smooth turn and say how you are working on each of the problems to get rid of it and turn into benefits.
Try to please the interview in every way
Many job seekers believe that agreeing with every single word said by the interviewer would help them please employers and get the spot. Even so, nodding is not what you are coming for. If your opinions differ, don’t be afraid to contradict or disagree. But do not forget to support your claims with strong arguments. At least, recruiters will remember you better, which is definitely a good thing.
Author bio:
Katherine Page is a professional resume writer and content manager of CVPolitan. She enjoys blogging and writing about career-boosting techniques.