So you found the perfect job, you spruced up your CV and crossed your fingers. Then, the good news came through that you’d be selected for an interview! Great news! But the last interview you had maybe, didn’t go so well? Or perhaps you’ve been in your current role so long that your interview techniques might be a little rusty…Well, don’t worry. Help is at hand! Here you’ll find some helpful tips and interview techniques that will help you smash your next interview and hopefully give you the confidence to succeed. Whether you’ve been searching for mental health nurse jobs, or waiting for months for an opening at an up and coming business – don’t let the opportunity slip through your fingers. You got this.
First impressions
Sorry to break it to you. But they really do count! When you’re going into an interview at least. It might sound like a cliché, but people advise you turning up to an interview at least ten minutes early for a reason: it creates a good impression. It also helps you calm down and catch a breath before you go in too.
Keeping eye contact, smiling, nodding and actually looking as if you’re interested in what your interviewer has to say will earn you points and let them know that you’re perfect for the role. Don’t forget that firm handshake too – but, try not to break the Managing Directors fingers.
Questions, questions, questions
You might already know that going into an interview with your own set of questions to ask the interview team is a tried and tested technique. I remember once impressing a manager when I pulled out a little note pad with a couple of questions I had about the business on it. But with this in mind, did you know that you don’t have to wait until the end of the interview to ask questions? Obviously let them lead the interview, and while they’re telling you more details about the role and the company – if the timing is right – ask them a couple of relevant questions. It’ll make you seem more interested and engaged in the role that’s being offered. You’ll seem a little more confident too, even if you’re shaking inside!
Dress code
Dressing professionally is the way to go when you head for an interview. Yes, the business might have a casual dress code, but you don’t work there – yet. If you’re going for a professional career position then get yourself something that will reflect that. If in doubt, just iron a shirt and put on some smart trousers. Leave the jeans and t-shirt at home.
Show your enthusiasm
Remember, you’re here because they believe you can do this job. Its up to you to show them, on the day – that you can do it better than anyone else. One way to do this is to be enthusiastic. You need to tell/show the interview panel that you have something to offer that no other applicant has. So smile, nod, enthuse about your past jobs and let them know how excited you are to be a potential part of their business family.