Job searching in the modern world can often feel as if you are almost guaranteed not to get the job before you have even finished your application, with so much competition for each job and a seemingly endless queue outside the job centers every week.
However, you will be likely pleased to learn that there is actually a plethora of things you can do to boost your chances of getting the job you want without having to spend years at university, and here is how!
1. Set Time Aside Each Day for Self-Improvement
Thankfully, and frankly certainly not before time, social attitudes have changed in matters of self-care and self-improvement, and as important as taking time out of your day to take care of your own emotional health and wellbeing, this time can also improve how hireable you are.
Perhaps you are incredibly skilled in the art of writing and have a wide knowledge base in matters pertaining to the English language; obviously, this will be apparent in all stages of your job applications. So start to dedicate just twenty minutes of your day to sharpening a skill in an area you are not highly skilled in, and more pertinently, choose a skill that you know is desirable across the board of employers and is simultaneously one which is relevant to your chosen field.
2. Step Outside of Your Social Circle
For many adults, they understandably tend to stick to the same group of friends when out socialising. There is, of course, absolutely nothing wrong with doing just that and it can be difficult to find the time to make new friends, as well as work, chores and keeping up with current friends.
However, deliberately exposing yourself to new people from different backgrounds and with mindsets, opinions, and perspectives entirely different from your own will serve to widen your own breadth of experience. This is something which will naturally stand out in an interview.
3. Offer Your Services as a Guest Blogger
If, for example, you are hoping to successfully apply for a role in an accountancy firm, due to your proficiency with numbers and interest in the financial world, you could either start hosting guest articles on your own website or else offer your own services as a guest blogger.
Take a look at these top SEO guest posting reviews at and see for yourself the numerous, powerful ways guest blogging can boost your chances of job searching success!
4. Always Write a Personalized Cover Letter
Finally, even if you find yourself filling in application after application for similar job roles, it is incredibly important to spend time making each application different from the next.
The easiest and, indeed, most effective way to do this is to always include a personalised cover letter with each application, tailored directly to the actual company to whom you are applying. Additionally, be sure to pick out at least two or three desirable skills in the job advertisement which you know you can prove and highlight in your cover letter.