Do you love traveling? Well, you don’t have to put your career on hold so that you can travel. You could travel and work at the same time. There are travel careers in which you can work as you travel. Maybe you just want to go to a different country or explore different countries. Maybe you have a severe case of wanderlust. Whatever it is, there are ways to make money while you travel so you can see the world and pay your bills!

Here are the three popular traveling careers you can consider this year as you take your trip around the world.


Can you work from a computer? Then this means you can work from anywhere and earn a living provided you have internet. You can do this if you are a freelance writer or blogger, programmer, website designer, virtual assistant, or online translator. With all of that travel and the money now coming in, you may find you want to look at fractional jet ownership cost, and enjoy the benefits of private flying!

For instance, if you are a blogger, you could start a travel blog, a lifestyle blog or a blog about fashion, food or any other area you are good at. It may take a while before your blog starts bringing in income and you are required to work hard for that to happen. You can get income from selling products on your blog, affiliate marketing, and advertising.

As a freelance writer, you can write for websites, magazines, newspaper or do copywriting.

Graphic and website design is common with freelancers. As a graphic designer, you need knowledge of software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver. To work as a website designer, you will require knowledge of PHP, HTML, and CSS.

If you have knowledge in taking and editing videos, you could become a Vlogger and make videos as you travel the world. You could become a YouTuber, sell marketing films or sell stock footage.

A full-time job in a different country

If you would like travel and still have a permanent job, then you can consider full-time employment in a different country. You could take up a job as an expatriate, a foreign au pair, a diplomat or an intergovernmental job.

You could also volunteer with a non-governmental organization or Peace Corps.

All these will allow you to travel, live and experience a different culture as you grow your career.

Flight or sailing careers

You can visit beautiful destinations all over the world as a flight attendant, by working in a private sailing yacht or on a cruise ship.

With a short course, you can get a job as a steward or a deckhand in a private yacht, which will allow you to travel to many great and exotic destinations amid all the luxury. Remember that your accommodation and food are catered for so you won’t have to spend much. It is like you are paid to enjoy all the luxury. What’s more, you can save money instead of spending money.

There are many jobs you can take in a cruise ship such as housekeeping, ship entertainment, cooks, engineer and tour manager so there is no shortage of jobs you can take and enjoy visiting exotic places. Besides, your accommodation, food, and transportation are covered.

While the training as a flight attendant may be demanding and you may be required to work long hours, there are perks that make it worthwhile. You get to fly to different destinations, experience different cultures, get hotel discounts and discounted airline tickets.




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