In 2021, 47.4 million people voluntarily quit their jobs, a phenomenon called “The Great Resignation.”

Although the aftermath COVID caused layoffs in multiple businesses in the United States: travel and tourism, hotels, bars and restaurants, entertainment, conferences, trade exhibitions, and manufacturing, one thing remains true.

The world is constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up. 

It’s easy to become overwhelmed and pessimistic when things are constantly in flux. 

However, staying optimistic is essential, even in the midst of change.

That is why we chose to interview company owners, workplace psychologists, stress experts, recruiters and spiritual entrepreneurs regarding how to stay optimistic during changes in the workplace and life.

Here are a few tips shared by topic experts on how to do just that:

  • Radka Papazova

Acknowledge that change is happening

The most important thing to be aware of is that change is happening all around us, whether we like it or not. If we can’t embrace the fact that things are constantly in flux, we’ll never be able to adjust to the new workplace landscape. In recent years, freelancing has become the norm, compared to the exception that it was about ten years ago. Acknowledge that this is a fact, and we’ll probably not go back to safe, secure jobs again.

  • Anthony Metivier

Develop and maintain a robust mindfulness strategy.

Mindfulness has a special place in developing and maintaining optimism because it creates awareness around the tone and quality of thoughts. You can question them for their validity and dismiss the ones that don’t serve with greater.

A simple technique is to ask: “Are my thoughts useful? How do they behave?”

Reflecting on the answers to these questions can quickly return you to a state of optimism.

  • Amira Irfan 

Create a support system 

Change can be difficult to navigate on your own. That’s why it is important to create a support system of family, friends, or professionals who can help you through this time. Lean on them for support and advice when needed. Everyone needs support at times to stay positive. Having a support system around you will help you consider the benefits of change, such as what good can come from it, rather than focusing on the drawbacks. This means looking for the good in every situation and being hopeful for the future. Having this kind of support system will help you stay positive and optimistic during tough times.

  • Vasundhra Gupta  

Your survival brain is always protecting you.

Whether change is good or bad, our survival brain automatically treats all change as a threat, because it’s unfamiliar. And our brain thinks that unfamiliarity is unsafe. So my tip is to first understand that your brain is designed to protect you from change, but those protective strategies aren’t always required. Practice self-soothing techniques like EFT (tapping), drinking warm beverages, using aromatherapy, etc to calm your nervous system down, and help yourself come back into a state of calm. When you intentionally create calm within your body, it’s easier for you to logically think about the next steps. After you’ve regulated yourself, logically work through the challenges that present themselves at work – in this way you’re not working against your biology, but WITH it. So in summary, the best way to deal with change is to understand how your biology is wired for self-defence and then to rewire some of the unhelpful signals it’s throwing!

  • Stephan Davies  


Embracing Change Can Be A Win-Win

First of all, you try to think that others are going through what I’m going through too. Use your relationships for mutual support. Try to realise that in most cases change is for the best, there are several ways to embrace change, but first of all you must realise that if you grow and the business grows it’s a win-win. When change happens don’t stay the same, if you change people change with you and if you change you become a better person.

  • Erkki Muuga 


Positive feedback, encouragement and knowledge sharing

Remote working and flexible working hours are becoming more widely encouraged by employers, but employees are still quitting more than ever. People want flexibility and freedom in their careers, so a lot of them are finding ways to utilise their skills and knowledge as freelancers. It can be tempting to “be your own boss”. 

However, it comes at a cost of losing the support network and peers that are there in a  typical employer-employee relationship. A freelancer’s monthly income directly depends on their customer satisfaction, it can be tempting to work overtime and exhaust oneself. 

To stay sane and optimistic in the changes happening in the workplace, employees should ask for more feedback from their leads – especially positive feedback. Also, facilitating knowledge sharing sessions and peer feedback helps employees feel appreciated. Also, it’s vital to know your rights to mental health days and benefits. 

  • Janet Civitelli 

View workplace changes as opportunities to learn

One strategy for remaining optimistic is to view change as an opportunity to learn. This is true for both wonderful changes and unwelcome changes. In the workplace, most changes offer some opportunity for career development, even if the changes are challenging or unpleasant. Some changes might motivate you to seek a new job or career, and then you can direct your optimism toward a job search or career change. At a systems level, you might decide to tackle change at a policy or legislative level. Learning the skill of reality-based optimism can happen via coaching, therapy, mindset apps, books, or classes. Investing the time and effort to become more optimistic is well worth the time and effort.

  • Diane Helbig 

The Choice Is Yours

Change in the workplace can be unsettling. It can also be invigorating. The choice is yours. You can’t control a lot of what happens around you or decisions being made by leadership. You CAN control how you respond. All change provides opportunities. 

When you experience any type of change in the workplace, go through a mental checklist to identify the positive ways that change can impact you. There will be a variety of positive outcomes that are possible. Choose to focus on those, instead of any possible negative outcomes. You will find you are not only happier, but your experience is more satisfying and productive. The choice is always yours.

  • Sudeshna Sen

Everything is rigged in your favour

How would you act and be in times of change and uncertainty, if you knew that this change is going to ultimately benefit you? That everything all the time is rigged in your favour, if only you put in the work, even when it doesn’t seem like? Do that. Because those who believe they will figure it out, are more adaptable. And as Stephen Hawking famously said, ‘Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”

We have observed this among The Abundance Psyche clients over and over again- some come to us because they are afraid of change and others come to us because they want to figure out the change. The second set always get results faster, because of this one element- they trust that everything will ultimately work out in their favour.

  • Hasan Abir


Take a Break and Relax!

Changes are part and parcel of the workplace. Being flexible with changes requires a growth and agile mindset. As changes are expected in the workplace, an employee must always be mentally prepared to tackle the thrust of change. However, sometimes the changes might be too big to accept on the first go.

One excellent way to withstand this challenge is to take a break from work and turn your relaxing mode on.

If you find it too tough to adjust to the change, take a moment’s break from work. Keep yourself aloof from all the hustle and bustle. Take a deep breath and relax! Imagine the big picture of your career. If you doubt how far you can go with the change, just remember how far you have come!

This short break will turn you on to take the next step. Retaining your calm and positively accepting the changes will be a walk in the park.

  • Alan Young

See Change As An Exciting Adventure

If you want to stay optimistic during change in the workplace, see it as an exciting adventure. Embrace the new opportunities that come with change, and be open to learning new things. Be positive and optimistic about the potential for growth and advancement that change can bring. See each challenge as a new opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a problem or obstacle. Instead of getting bogged down by what’s different, focus on all the positive aspects of the change. Looking at the bright side of things will help you maintain a positive outlook, which can lead to success in your career.

  • lskra Evtimova

Be Your Own Best Friend

Be careful what your inner dialog is. Do you let disempowering thoughts like “They will fire me”, “I can’t manage it if I lose my job”, “No one will hire me”, and “I won’t be able to support my family”? If so, ask yourself: if your best friend is in that situation, would you tell them the same limiting stuff, or will you try to encourage them? “They won’t fire you, but even if they do, you will find a better place. Maybe it is time for a change that will help you grow even more. I believe in you. You got this”. I bet you will be a good friend and try to empower your buddy. Then why don’t you do the same for yourself? Be your best friend! Every time a negative thought appears, observe it, and say “this is not serving me”. Then talk to yourself as if you are encouraging your best friend. 

  • Anoop Singh Yersong 

Research, Analyse & Have a Flexible Plan

Right planning can take a huge load off your mind about uncertainty. And it won’t be unfair to assume that you have let go of the ‘fresher’ tag by now.

So, before your joining date:

  • See the basic tech-stack used by the company using BuiltWith.
  • Do an exact google search on the company to see what they’re upto.
  • Peek into their LinkedIn employees’ profiles to see their expertise, and finally,
  • Connect the dots using your offer letter.

This way, on the joining date, you already know more than what we are expecting!

Pro tip:

If you are joining as a manager or a higher position, you should also set your periodic goals beforehand but don’t be rigid about them as they are meant to change due to ‘N’ factors.

All you need to do is keep optimising them as you go, and enjoy the wonderful journey!

  • Eva Maria Hunt 

Your intuition is your Superpower during Change

When dealing with change, the biggest challenge is not creating a negative thought-emotion- experience loop. When you pick your work up, make sure yesterday’s attitude, gossip, catastrophic thinking, feeling of doom and any negativity attached to your work is left behind. 

Why? If you keep connecting back to low energies and the calculations, based on your mind’s database of similar past experiences, you go into a nose dive with devastating domino effect on your mood, mental health and creativity. 

Think of an eagle, it doesn’t waste energy to flap its wings, when not necessary. It soars while holding its wings outward, relying on raising air currents to gain altitude. Trust the wisdom coming from your intuition to lift you up. It is connected to the field of collective consciousness. Have the intention to get the best possible outcome of this change and trust that the Universe has your back. 

  • Mariette Jansen

Stop ruminating and speculating

Change can easily lead to anxiety, because of the uncertainties. It is tempting to start ruminating and speculating, but this will only fuel the anxiety. Questions like ‘What if….’ and thoughts like ‘If only….’ have proven to be most unhelpful in times of change. Instead, stay in the here and now and take control of your thoughts by observing them. Are they negative? Doom and gloom? Is there another angle to take? Are you catastrophizing? Thinking black and white? Take it one thought at the time and make sure it is formulated in an open-minded and helpful manner. 

  • Sabina Green 

It’s not uncommon for change to happen

Sometimes change can be good, and sometimes it can be bad. While some people may thrive on change, others may find it difficult to adjust. No matter what your reaction is to change, it is important to remember that you can stay optimistic during these times.

Here are a few tips on how to stay optimistic during change in the workplace:

  1. Don’t dwell on the negative – When something negative happens, it is easy to dwell on it and let it get you down. However, try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation and look for the silver lining.
  2. Be flexible – Change can be difficult, but it is important to be flexible and go with the flow. If you can adapt to the changes, it will be easier to stay positive.
  3. Stay positive – It may sound clichéd, but staying positive is one of the best things you can do during times of change. Positivity will help you stay calm  and focused, and it will also help you attract positive people and experiences.
  • Jod Kapilakan


You’ve probably heard the saying “think positive.” It’s a good idea, and most successful people in the world have embraced it.

They know that it is important to feel good because it makes you more likely to find solutions and make progress.

Change can be difficult, but it is important to try to stay positive and be prepared. Being prepared will also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed when the changes do occur.

Hopefully, after reading this collection of stay-optimistic advice, you’ll be able to function a bit more efficiently. It’s also critical to remember that if you want to be happier, you must be prepared to go with the flow.

I wish you the best of luck in all your future pursuits and hope that you have a positive future.



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