Job search troubleshooting
Troubleshoot Your Job Search Problems in 30 minutes!
Do you feel like you are trying everything but still not getting the results you want from your job search? Perhaps you’re not finding enough job leads, not getting enough interviews or not selling your value adequately in interviews.
It is so frustrating, especially when you know you have skills and experience employers need! Yet, you don’t know what you’re doing wrong – you feel like you’re going round in circles.
Let me help you make a breakthrough in your job search process with my brand new 30-minute trouble-shooting session.
Troubleshooting your job search is the way to discover where your job search is stalled, and make fixes.
In our 30-minute laser focused session, I’ll diagnose symptoms of your job search that are not at its best, and what you can do to make it better.

During this phone or Skype session, we’ll focus on fixing one of the following problems:

Problem: Not finding enough job leads
You might have unclear goals or a target that is too wide or too narrow. Perhaps you’re using job boards as the only method of finding a job.
I will help you with your job search strategy and with how to convey your clear goal to your network to make it easy for them to help you.

Problem: Not getting interviews
If your resume (or LinkedIn profile) isn’t doing an adequate job of selling you and your match to jobs, I will help you customize your resume to each position, and bringing out your match.
I will give you specific advice on how to make your resume stand out, and what keywords you need to use to tailor it to specific jobs. Based on a job description of your interest, I’ll advise on what to put in your Summary or Skills section to grab the employer’s attention.

Problem: Not being clear on what makes you stand out
If you’re not clear on what value you bring to your employers, you won’t get hired – it is as simple as that.
When asked ‘Why should we hire you?’, most candidates give a very generic answer instead of providing specific examples relevant to employer’s needs.
The solution: a 30-minute troubleshooting session
In 30 minutes, I can help you clarify what specifically you bring to the job and how your skills and experience match the requirements on the job description.
My coaching style is straightforward. You’ll get it how it is and we’ll move fast to fix the issues you might have. Let’s work together to get your job search started again.
Have questions?
If you have questions, or would like further information, you can contact me via phone at +44 (0) 7748 968 150 or contact me directly.