Setting your career goals

A lot of people spend 7 to 8.5 hours a day at work. That equates to 35 to 42.5 hours at work for the 5-day working week. That’s a lot of time when you think about it; time that could possibly make your life very unpleasant if you have no sense of direction as it may...

Will you recommit to your 2012 goals?

There are less than two months left in 2012, and I want to ask you: Are the goals you set at the beginning of the year on track for success? Have you given up on them after a week or two? Have you resigned and told yourself it’s not worth the effort and the life...

How to achieve your goals in 2012

Hello from Playa del Carmen! I am currently on holidays in Mexico and I’ve recorded a little video on how to achieve your goals in 2012. My voice is still a bit croaky after losing my voice a few days ago, but hope you like it anyway:-) Have a great day!...

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