If you are out looking for a job, it is important that you have a powerful resume, or your application will be another paper in the pile. 

According to recent statistics, more than 75% of resumes are rejected due to bad content, formatting, layout, and simply because they are boring!

Your resume should be customized and personalized according to the latest trends and requirements of the recruiters. 

Manual resume writing and optimization is not easy, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible. Today, you have access to AI tools that can help you transform boring resumes and make them more appealing to a hiring manager. 

If you want your CV to stand out and tick all the boxes of a potential hiring manager, it is best that you use AI tools.

Don’t have any experience in this regard? Well, you should read this article, and we will discuss in detail how AI tools can transform an average resume into a powerful one without requiring much human effort. 

How to Enhance Your Resume with AI Tools?

Improving a resume with the help of AI tools is a very easy task, and if you have a good knowledge of online tools and modern tech, you can easily improve the quality and appeal of your resume with the help of artificial intelligence. 

This section will discuss how you can enhance your resume and make it eye candy for hiring managers/recruiters.

You Can Create a Professional Cover Letter for the Job

A cover letter is a very important part of a resume as it allows you to elaborate on your selling points to the hiring managers. You can explain your qualities professionally and in detail in the cover letter. 

Usually, applicants think it is not important to add cover letters to the resume, but you must know that it is one of the significant elements that can set your resume apart from many others. 

By using AI-powered solutions such as Grammarly, you can easily create a professional letter that would be relevant to the job post you are applying for. This tool can easily help you generate personalized cover letters that would win the hiring manager’s interest. 

You Can Get Free Resume Template Designs and Ideas

To create a resume that stands out from the crowded pile, you must know about the trending and most accepted resume designs and layouts. If you don’t have any design experience or skills, it would not be easy to design a resume that grabs the recruiter’s attention.

By using AI-powered solutions such  as CareerToolbelt or Grammarly, you can easily create a professional letter that would be relevant to the job post you are applying for. This tool can easily help you generate personalized cover letters that would win the hiring manager’s interest. 

You Can Get Content Suggestions and Create First Drafts

If it’s your first time applying for a job and writing a resume, you would certainly not know about the important content sections you must add to the document. You can avoid this problem using AI generative tools like Chat GPT. 

You can get content suggestions and even ask the tool to create an initial draft. The tool would write a sample showing how you can present your education, experience, achievements, skills, and other aspects of your profile. 

The content generated by AI tools is no doubt useful, but you must make sure that if you are using the same content as it is, you remove robotic words or phrases that might complicate your resume. You can do this by using a reliable AI to human text converter

AI Can Help You Rewrite Resume Text Concisely 

Once you have picked up your desired template and have a brief idea about how to write the content, you can write your resume. It is not hard to write a resume as long as you know how to present information. 

The important thing you need to consider while writing a resume is that your content should not have any human errors or clarity issues. All information presented in the resume must be in simple words and in the clearest possible way. 

You can get help from an AI grammar checker to ensure that every section in your resume is free of human and technical errors. Errors in your resume will damage your reputation as an applicant, so it is best to use AI tools to avoid this problem. 

You Can Replace Repetitive Words in Your Resume

A hiring manager would get hundreds of applications against a single job post, and most of the resumes would contain the same content. If you want your application to stand out, use unique yet simple words in the resume document.

If you don’t have a strong grasp of vocabulary and language, you can always trust an AI paraphrase tool. With a paraphrasing tool, you can easily replace redundant and repetitive phrases in a resume with a better choice of words without compromising the intent.


When applying for a job, it is important that your resume wins the hiring manager’s interest, or else it will be one more paper in the dumped pile. 

If you don’t have expertise in resume writing, you don’t have to stress about this problem, as today, you have access to AI-powered tools and technologies like online resume builders.

In this guide, we have explained in detail some of how AI tools can transform an average resume into a great one, and that too in very little time.

We hope that after using AI tools, you can create a resume that will surely get you your dream job!



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