Having a small company which consists of more or less 50 employees entails an organized way of handling and managing employee information with the aid of your Human Resource department. Employees are considered as essential assets of a company since they are the ones who perform the duties needed for your business to operate and grow. However, if they are frequently on leave or absent due to sickness or other reasons, then it can put a dent in a company’s operations. Let’s check out five tips on how to manage employee information and leave absences:
- Utilize valuable HR data with the help of software systems.
The onset of modern technology has paved the way for useful software systems that provide an organized input of employee information as well as the monitoring of absences and attendance. These advanced systems are fully customized and provide easy-to-access information that is essential in formulating strategic business decisions.
- Enforce clear policies when it comes to leaves and absences.
Rules and policies can vary from one company to another, but the bottom line is to have clear and concise policies on leaves and absences for employees to achieve the necessary work and life balance. Having clear-cut rules ensure that your staff become well-aware of what is acceptable and the options available for them.
- Make sure to create an open atmosphere.
Let your employees know that an open and welcoming atmosphere exists in the workplace. Open and two-way communication is encouraged to let the staff know that it is acceptable to express their minds if they are struggling with workload or to go through a challenging phase in their life, thus resulting to so-called absences. If employees can discuss their concerns and receive support from their immediate managers then the more likely that they will open up about underlying problems.
- Check out for any sign of stress in the workplace.
Employees are considered the lifeblood of a every company but what if time and again they resort to unexplained absences leading to low productivity? This tell-tale sign could be a manifestation of stress due to domestic woes or worse, because of work-related reasons such as poor working conditions and unsupportive workmates. To remedy this, immediate managers should be equipped with the necessary training to recognize stress among employees at its earliest stage and to provide solutions that prevent a significant downturn by offering the right kind of support.
- Ensure that managers get the support and needed training.
The role of immediate managers is vital in making sure that employees are performing well in their designated department. It is therefore vital that managers are given the needed training and support when it comes to assessing and handling performance-related dialogues, managing conflict and proper organizing of workflow to make sure that unnecessary pressures are avoided.
Managing a business is crucial and along with it is the big responsibility of looking after the welfare of your employees. Proper management of employee information and leave absences is possible by utilizing valuable HR data with the aid of modern software systems, enforcing clear policies and creating an open atmosphere. Moreover, be sure to identify and address stress in the workplace promptly and ensure that immediate superiors and managers are accorded the necessary training in resolving employee conflict and increasing work productivity.