When you graduate from university, the world is your oyster. You’ve got the qualification that should help you get a job, now you just need to work out where you want to try and make your new life. If you’ve ever wondered which European city would be the best place to start building your career while still keeping up the kind of fun lifestyle you enjoyed as a student, the good news is that the ultimate guide has been created.

To come up with the definitive list of the best cities for new graduates to live, researchers analysed rent levels, cost of living, the economy, local graduate community and the popularity of sports and cultural facilities in the area. This mixture of factors is what makes a city great for graduates, because the most exciting city in the world is no use if you can’t afford the rent to live there at this stage in your life.

That’s why London, Paris and Barcelona aren’t among the very best European cities for new graduates, but the top three includes Glasgow, Prague and Munich. All of them have thriving economies but remain affordable for renting, while having high satisfaction rates for sports facilities and cultural attractions.

If rent and cost of living are the most important factors for you, there’s lots of good options in Eastern Europe, including Bucharest, Sofia, Krakow and Warsaw, but it’s all about the finding the right balance for your priorities. So why not have a look and see which European city would be the best for you to live in after graduation?



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