3 Part Video Training

‘Smart strategies to help you get interviews’
This FREE Video Series will show you…
- 7 Smart Strategies You Can Use to Crack the Hidden Jobs Market
Given the choice, many employers prefer to fill positions without advertising externally – it simply saves money and time. If you’re able to find these hidden jobs, you could be doing yourself huge favor. And it’s all about connections.
In this first video I will talk about seven smart strategies to help you find out about “hidden jobs” by improving your networking skills, leveraging technology and expanding your reach.
- How to use LinkedIn effectively
LinkedIn is not just helpful for job seekers. Yes, LinkedIn is a job search tool, but it’s also a reputation-builder, a marketing tool, and the ultimate online business networking tool.
In the second video, I’ll talk about what you need on LinkedIn and what your weekly LinkedIn routine should involve if you want to proactively manage your network/profile.
- Top tips to tailor your resume to get more interviews
A big mistake I see many job seekers make is using the same resume for every job vacancy regardless of the industry or job title. It’s a strategy that will get you nowhere fast.
In this video I will talk about strategies that are guaranteed to get you more interviews.
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