How To Win At Job Interviews

Find out how to answer ‘Tell me about yourself’ question in Day 2 of my free 3-day e-course

Day 1 – In this lesson you’ll find out what the hiring managers are looking for, what specific questions to ask to uncover their hidden needs and then how to demonstrate that you have what it takes to succeed in the role you’re interviewing for

Day 2 – In this lesson you’ll find out how answer competency/behavioural interview questions and how to make your answers and examples relevant to the interviewer’s needs. You’ll also find out how to answer that dreaded “Tell me about yourself “question and stand out from other candidates.

Day 3 – In this lesson you’ll find out to prepare successfully for even the most difficult interview questions and build rapport with the interviewer

Please enter your name and primary email address below and receive my FREE 3-day e-course to improve the chances of getting your dream job.

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